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How The Pandemic Is Affecting Kids’ Mental Health And What Parents Can Do To Help

We can’t deny the extraordinary times this world is facing. A pandemic of this magnitude is something we’ve never experienced. So, understandably, the uncertainty associated with it is spreading chaos and panic. Amongst it all, our precious kids are the most vulnerable segment with mental health issues during this period.

Although the ongoing awareness campaigns on TV, radio, and other digital and print media platforms are educative, we can’t ignore the anxiety associated with all that information.

Many young kids are vary of their future and have a myriad of questions on the topic, such as:

  • Why does everybody look so worried?
  • Why are we under lockdown andwhy can’t we play outside?
  • Is washing hands and wearing masks enough to protect us?
  • How soon will the schools reopen?
  • Is vaccine the real solution?

So, here are some things to look out for, as any parent should be clear-minded and relaxed before they think about dealing with their children’s curious and anxious state.


Don’t Lose Composure

You must be calm and not under the influence of adrenaline before talking to your kids about the whole scenario. If we have an uneasy conversation with the kids, this could quickly instill more fear. As a result, you will be unable to jog away from the jitters.

Don’t Get Jumpy

It’s interesting to see how parents manage their anger and deal with frustration. When you must remain at home all day because of travel restrictions, self-regulation is an absolute necessity. Maintaining proper sleep routines and a healthy diet might help in this regard.


Let Them Know That You Understand Their Fears

Make them realize that you have complete knowledge of the gravity of the issue bothering them. Only then would they feel at ease to open up to you.


Discover and Build On What They Already Know

At present, the media information can reach kids in several ways. So, first evaluate what they already know, their misconceptions, and then correct such erroneous information to take away their fears.


Empathize And Follow A Realistic Approach

While answering the barrage of questions, remain realistic and don’t lie to your kids. Your tone must be empathetic and not include what’s beyond your knowledge. You can console them, but not with any unrealistic hope.


Maintain The Pre-Pandemic Schedule

Although our everyday lives have been severely affected, no one can overlook the importance of schedules. You can always encourage your kids to eat, study, play games indoors and sleep on time. That will help them feel the warmth and normalcy of a healthy life. Lastly, cut yourself some slack. If you really don’t know the right thing to say, a loving hug or a kiss would work too!


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