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Nutritional Psychiatry: What Does It Mean And Can It Help You?

Nutritional psychiatry, what does that even mean? Well, actually, it’s one of the hottest words right now, but only a few know about it. If you don’t, please don’t feel left out. We’re here to tell you everything about this interesting concept, so do stick around till the end.

Deciphering Nutritional Psychiatry

Nutritional psychiatry is a huge fad currently, and that’s because it’s utterly simple to understand. The term is created with the two words “nutrition” and “psychiatry,” and what it basically points toward is the link between the food you consume and your mental health. So, it won’t be wrong to say that what you eat affects your mood, and this connection can be leveraged to use food supplements in the treatment of mental health conditions.

Do we see that light bulb flashing over your head now? Yeah, we know you’d catch it quick.


Amen Clinics | Nutritional Psychiatry works on the relationship between food and mental health

Now that your interest has heightened on the concept, why don’t we delve a little deeper? Let’s try to understand precisely which foods affect our mental health and how.

Read – Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment 

Some foods suppress depression

It’s true, and you shouldn’t be shocked. According to research done in 2020, it has been shown that eating fish can help reduce the onset of depression, mostly in women. It proved that women who consume fish twice a week had a 25% lower risk of depression. The reason for this was the excellent content of nutrients like magnesium, vitamins, B6, B12, and D, zinc, and folate in fish. Apart from fish, such nutrients can also be found in beans, peas, avocado, dark chocolate, and other foods.


Unsplash | Foods rich in magnesium, vitamins, and folate are known to curb the onset of depression

Inflammatory foods increase the risk of depression

Over the years, inflammatory foods have been a concern for the medical world. But recent research has shown that these foods can also increase the risk of depression. The study suggested that foods that contain omega-3, an anti-inflammatory fat like virgin olive oil, avocado, and wild salmon, can reduce depression risk. This is true for all anti-inflammatory fats as they also inhibit inflammation in the blood.

Read – The 13 Most Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat 


Unsplash | Anti-inflammatory food like olive oil help impact mental health positively

A change in diet will help you

We know it’s hard to drop your favorite snack. But you should know that when you adhere to dietary advice, you can enjoy better health on so many levels. A change in diet results in a difference in the way your body perceives nutrition. And now that you know which foods are good for your body and your mind, you should make the intelligent call and start bringing in subtle changes to your regular meals.

In short

We hope we could help you see the relationship between food and mental health. If you want a loved one to feel good and be at the top of their game, help them by recommending nutritional psychiatry. And if you want to start following it yourself, well, it’s good for you. But don’t forget to contact your dietician before it.

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